Documents related to the lectures
S. Astilean : Noble metal nanostructures
H. Benisty : 2D photonic crystal structures with 3D confinement
P. Bienstman : Nanophotonics modelling (FDTD and eigenmodes expansion)
Chan I : Golden Rule and Periodic Media
Chan II : Density of states in photonic crystals
Chan III : Guided modes on interface
Chan IV : Photonic crystals optics
Chan IV : Surface waves
A. Dereux : Near-field microscopy, plasmonics
S. Enoch : Useful numerical tools
B. Gayral : Microcavities
B. Gayral : Microlasers
B. Gayral : Unique photon sources
J.J. Greffet : Introduction to near-field optics
J.J. Greffet : Lifetime, Green functions, LDOS
J.J. Greffet : Reciprocity
J. Knight : Photonic crystal fibres
H. Rigneault : Nano-biophotonics
V. Sandoghdar : SNOM (Foundations)
Schmidt : Spintronics
Smith : Negative materials I
Smith : Negative Materials II
W. Vos : 3D photonic crystals I
W. Vos : 3D photonic crystals II
Other documents